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4 best places to see seals in Norfolk

Those looking to do some seal spotting on holiday should look no further than our very own Norfolk coastline, where you can see both grey and common seals. Here are 4 fantastic locations in Norfolk that are frequented by the “labradors of the sea”.

A holiday home in wine country, in the UK?

Owning your own holiday home in wine country can mean owning your own holiday home in the UK! We’re well beyond the time when the words ‘English’ and ‘wine’ were considered incompatible. Nowadays, English wine is thriving and sophisticated and is being produced by a whole range of vineyards across the country.

Best things about a UK holiday

When you can have the things that draw people from all over the world on your doorstep, why wouldn’t you want your own seaside holiday home here in the UK.

A top 10 of UK seaside holiday pop facts

We really do like to be beside the seaside and we’ve celebrated the fact in song for a long time. Check out these ten facts - or little pieces of trivia if you prefer - about the inextricable link between popular music and the great UK seaside holiday…

Five movie ideas for every UK seaside holiday home

Movies can be a great way to spend time together in your holiday home. Heaven forbid but there might be a rainy day. Or you could want to make up a movie night for family and friends. We all know that less screen time is a good thing when you’re on holiday but everyone deserves a bit of movie magic. Just once in a while. Check out these five ideas. It’s like a trip around the UK’s favourite seaside holiday home locations, with movie connections. Bring on the popcorn……

10 brilliant reasons to have a touring caravan pitch in Norfolk

Touring caravan pitches are vital. They are the lifeblood of the touring caravan lifestyle. Now, with life looking more promising and thoughts turning to your beloved tourer, it’s time to make plans. Now is the time to be thinking about your next destination. Here’s why you should be thinking about taking your touring caravan to Norfolk….

Wildlife to spot in Norfolk in winter

Winter can be one of the best times to visit Norfolk, as the county comes alive with wildlife, especially the thousands of birds who visit during their migration.